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What is Group Insurance and what are the benefits for my staff?

Corporate insurance which benefits both staff and your business.

What is Group Insurance?

Group insurance, or corporate insurance, is an insurance plan provided by an employer for its staff. It is a type of employee benefit that new employees are enrolled in when they join a business. Group insurance can include group medical insurance, group life insurance and group travel insurance. 

What are the benefits of corporate insurance for my business?

They are treated quickly: Employees of a group medical insurance policy would be entitled to all the usual benefits of private medical care. This means that should they need to be seen or treated, they can skip the long waiting lists of government-funded care, allowing them to be seen quickly and have the ability to return to work quicker. 

It sets you out as an attractive employer: By being able to offer comprehensive corporate private medical insurance and corporate life insurance, you will set your company apart from rivals as one which cares for their staff. These great benefits will help attract the best talent in your field and increase employee retention.  

A legal requirement for certain countries: There are certain countries in the world where a business must take out group insurance for their staff to operate. This includes private medical insurance for expats as well as expat life insurance.  

What are the benefits of group medical insurance for employees?

A higher standard of healthcare: Your staff would have the ability to obtain medical care quicker, and easier, with a group insurance policy. Private hospitals also often have private rooms and more sophisticated equipment. 

Financial benefit: The level of insurance provided may be outside of employee’s affordability, therefore providing them with real peace of mind.

Flexibility of treatment: Employees will be able to access appointments and treatments outside of working hours and with much shorter waiting times for treatment.

Choice of consultant and hospital: Private medical healthcare allows the policyholder to have their choice of consultant, surgeon and hospital, unlike government-run medical care.

Specialist treatment: Many private medical facilities offer new or specialist treatments that would otherwise not be available.

Group insurance with Healthcare International

Our group insurance plans are adaptable to your business needs. We have 3 different types of group policies, corporate medical insurance, corporate travel insurance and corporate life insurance.

We offer solutions for businesses of all sizes, whether you have a handful of staff or thousands. Our group health plans provides attractive discounted group insurance rates and underwriting concessions.

Please call +44 (0)20 7590 8800 for a quote straight away or visit our group insurance page for more information.