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5 Ways to Earn Money Working Abroad this Summer

Everybody looks forward to their summer holidays, especially for the sunshine, ice creams, holidays and the seemingly never-ending fun. However the reality is that the holidays can seem to stretch out indefinitely, and after the first week or two enjoying the novelty of freedom, boredom and the feeling of empty pockets could take over.

Here are some ideas to help you plan an interesting and rewarding summer holiday:

1. Teaching English Abroad

If you want a really rewarding adventure and some additional qualifications, then the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) could be the perfect choice for you. You'll need to do a course to receive a TEFL qualification before you're able to work, and these can set you back anything between £200-£400 depending on whether you chose to study online or in a classroom. Although working in Asia, Africa or South America is worth the investment. Pay will vary from country to country, but you'll often find that a number of benefits such as accommodation are thrown in for free.

2. Holiday Representative

Tour operators need holiday reps to work throughout the summer and to make sure that people on their holiday have an enjoyable trip. A holiday rep is the first point of contact for customers so be prepared to answer questions and resolve problems. Hours can vary, but it isn’t unusual to find you only have one day off per week. You'll need strong interpersonal skills to be good at this job, and have patience with dealing with potentially difficult holidaymakers.

3. Summer Camps

You can bag yourself up to £1,250 working at one of these camps, which isn't a bad sum for the summer. Also as a camp counsellor you'll be basically working 24-hour days. However, there may be an opportunity to go travelling at the end of the camp. It’s worth remembering these opportunities come with a cost, you'll be expected to spend £200 to £600 to get there. Although summer camps are an American tradition, not all summer camps are in America. You might also get to work in Europe, Canada or the Far East.

4. Internships

This option is more for students looking for an experience to widen their future career opportunities rather than earn some cash. In fact, not only are you unlikely to get paid to do an internship, agencies will sometimes expect you to pay. However there’s hundreds of opportunities listed for 'internships' around the world, but these are more akin to voluntary positions as most involve paying up to support yourself while you're out there.

5. Theme Park

If you're looking for a summer job that pays really well, theme parks can be a good option. You'll have to work hard but you'll enjoy lots of interaction with happy customers and should hopefully be grouped in with like-minded people. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the biggest player in this arena is Disneyland, who offer castings both in the UK and Ireland for their park in Paris.

Wouldn’t it be a load off your mind to know you could enjoy your summer job abroad fully insured against anything that may come your way? Get in touch with Healthcare International today and we’ll find the perfect policy for your working life in the sun.