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10 Benefits of Studying in the UK

Planning to become an international student?

Here’re some good reasons to persuade you to study in Great Britain.


1. High Quality Education

Education standards in Great Britain are considered to be amongst the best in the world with an enviable reputation for delivering a first class education no matter whether you elect to study in England; Wales; Scotland or Northern Ireland. These schools, colleges and universities can open doors to careers all over the world thanks to the investment in education by governments and the education sector over many generations. Students coming to these schools will benefit from the quality assurance they provide.  


2. Wide Range of Study Choices

Apart from the quality of the education, Great Britain also offers a broad variety of courses and subjects to study making this an appealing destination. In addition to common degrees such as medicine, economy or law; the study range also include other qualifications which meet current job demands such as medical technology, robotics & E-commerce. Alternative providers of higher education can offer an even wider range of education options to cater for all needs and interests.


3. Funding Opportunities

One of the best features of the British’ education system is the financial help  for students available, including scholarships (see also point 6) in some circumstances. Although student fees in Great Britain are not especially low, students have funding options to assist them to undertake their study. Part time jobs are often available to help students out financially, with some educational facilities assisting students to find work when not in class.


 4. Working Permit After Study

Great Britain offers a great post-educational employment system that encourages recently graduated international students to access the local labour market, particularly if they possess qualifications in a field which is under-staffed currently. The ideal way of finding jobs in the UK with visa sponsorship is therefore through study, leading to fulltime employment.


5. UK Tier 4 Student Visa Pros

If you intend to study for a full-time degree course in the United Kingdom, you should first apply for a UK Student Visa. This specific type of Visa is known in the UK as Tier 4 Student Visa. Eligibility for applying to Tier 4 is calculated using a point-based system. If you want to know more about this, click on the link. The Tier 4 UK student Visa provides some extra benefits including internship opportunities as well as students’ working options. A Tier 4 student holder is allowed to carry out part time jobs up to 20 hours per week during the studying semester. Likewise, full time work is also permitted during official holiday breaks. Finally, the UK student Visa allow its holders to bring family members to the country and can be easily extended to other visa types.  


6. Merit Scholarship Programs

 Most of Scholarships for students in the UK are based in academic abilities. However, some programs are designed to assist students from underprivileged societies and grants are offered to both national and international students. There are obviously limits on the numbers of scholarships available, but if you are eligible to apply is worth doing so. Each university and college has its own merit program system so we suggested you to do some research if you want to explore this further.


7. Internationally Recognised Education

Higher education in England has a strong international reputation. Whichever Certificate, Diploma, Degree or Masters issued in the UK is recognised internationally because a British education is seen as a stamp of quality. This is nothing new, the academic culture in the United Kingdom has been associated to world famous institutes of learning such as Cambridge and Oxford. Many famous scientists, researchers and writers have conducted their studies in the UK. Famous figures such as Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin; Alexander Fleming and more recently Stephen Hawking’s were all educated in the UK.  


8. Educational and Scientific Infrastructures

UK learning institutes offer students the best lecturers, courses of study and student learning facilities – many of which are the envy of the world. Students can access the latest learning resources and work on the most up to date equipment and research tools in world class environments which encourage and inspire students.


9. Multi-Cultural Learning Environments

All classrooms in the UK are multicultural regardless of the city in which you’ve chosen to study. Apart from a fantastic academic curricular, Great Britain also offers a great personal learning environment. While studying in the UK, you’ll also learn to interact with cultures different to yours, one of the greatest and most valuable life lessons available. It’s proven that students who have carried out their education in multicultural environments are better team players, have a higher cultural knowledge, speak more languages and are more adaptable and flexible at work. Interesting, isn’t it?


10. English Language Proficiency

One of the most obvious benefits of studying in the UK is learning the English language. The simple act of living in the country will boost your English skills as you’ll have to communicate and socialise in English. Studying in the country will also give a boost to your English reading & writing. So studying in the UK can help you kill two birds with one stone because you’ll not only learn your subject, but also come away with a fluency for English you could not easily obtain at home if you come from a non-English speaking background. If you are wondering how to learn English, try living here!


As you can see, studying in Great Britain offers many benefits, so we’d really like to encourage you to take this step. However, do not forget to buy a health insurance for students. You don’t want to find yourself uninsured if something happened to you or your property while studying. At HCI we can help you with that. Remember to take a look at our student insurance plan.